A system to build the top CEO network in your city

Start a Civitas Chapter

Starting a CEO peer learning network doesn’t have to be complicated. As a Civitas Chapter Lead, you’ll get access to a complete, turnkey business operating system to help you build a community of top founders, and grow a great business, right in your city.

Get started

Why become a chapter lead?

Rewarding work

Connect with and learn from the top CEOs and founders in your city while hosting CEO groups and events.

Proven model

Access a proven playbook to help you build a $1 million revenue business, all while learning and growing alongside the best.

World class support

Join the Civitas chapter lead community and receive ongoing mentoring and coaching to help you succeed.

The Civitas Chapter
Leader Journey

Meet with Civitas Team member


Submit your application to become a Civitas Chapter lead.



Chat with a Civitas team member to see if this is the right opportunity for you.



Once approved, sign your agreement and attend the Civitas chapter lead bootcamp.


Launch your

Join the Civitas chapter lead community and receive weekly coaching to build the top CEO network in your city.

Frequently asked questions

See more FAQ's
Who are Civitas Chapter leads?
What are the chapter owner's responsibilities?
What are the requirements to be a Civitas chapter owner?
How much will I earn as a Civitas chapter owner?
What support does Civitas provide?
Who are Civitas Chapter leads?
What are the chapter owner's responsibilities?
What are the requirements to be a Civitas chapter owner?
How much will I earn as a Civitas chapter owner?
What support does Civitas provide?

Chapter Lead Application

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